Hot Air

The Establishment Are Fighting Like Cornered Rats – HotAir

Make no mistake, there is nothing “joyful” about the weird campaign that the Democrats, the MSM, the Deep State, and the transnational elites are running against Donald Trump and J.D. Vance. 

Sure, they are making a movie that sure looks like it’s joyful and confident, but for months the Establishment has been panicked and that panic hasn’t receded. 

It’s not that they are doomed–quite the opposite, these evil people have a reasonable chance of victory. 

It’s that the stakes have never been so high for them. In their eyes, it is for all the marbles, and we should see the election in exactly that way too because it IS for all the marbles. If the last 4 years (or really 8) have taught us anything, it’s that the Democrats will stop at nothing to put Donald Trump, and by extension, all the rest of us, in our place. And that place is to be happy and compliant slaves to the regime. 


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