The FBI is just rotten and the records show it
Hot Air

The FBI is just rotten and the records show it

Christopher Wray and everyone else in leadership roles at the FBI continue to act as if they have no idea what members of the House Oversight Committee are talking about when they are asked about the weaponization, politicization, and corruption at the Bureau. We expect that pattern to continue after today’s hearings and testimony. But more and more information keeps leaking out seemingly demonstrating that the opposite is true. The latest item to come to light is a letter that was sent by FBI general counsel Jason Jones to a supervisory agent who was scheduled to testify before the committee. Sent the day before the scheduled testimony, Jones informed the agent that he was “expected to decline to respond” to questions about the investigation into Hunter Biden. The line between “normal” procedures and a blatant coverup is becoming blurrier and blurrier. (NY Post)Read More 

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