Red state

The Greatest Hits of Kamala Harris – RedState

If Joe Biden had decided not to run before the Democratic primary this cycle, it’s very unlikely that Kamala Harris would have prevailed in an open primary race. She went down to a blistering defeat, dropping out early in the 2020 race after failing to gain much momentum. 

But the Democratic elites who knew there was a problem with Joe Biden decided they were going to roll the dice with him and hope they could sneak him by, until it became clear to them he was hemorrhaging support and was going to lose. That’s the only reason we’re where we are now. So they went around the primary process to make a selection rather than an election. So much for their protection of democracy. 

But when you get right down to it, what is Kamala known for? 

Her relationship with former California powerbroker and San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, her cackling, her word salads, and her failure to do…

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