I’m sure I have canceled MSNBC talking head Joy Reid before. I can’t remember specifically at this moment because all of the ignoramuses discussed during my Daily Cancellation segment blend together in my mind, forming one big, loud, ball of stupid. I can only assume that Joy has been featured multiple times because she is so aggressively, obnoxiously terrible in every way a person can be terrible.
There are evil people who think they’re virtuous and there are dumb people who think they’re smart: Joy Reid falls into both categories. She even looks the part, with the bleach blond, short cropped hair and permanent scowl she looks like the kind of middle aged woman who yells at the pizza delivery guy because the pizza doesn’t have pepperoni on it, even though it’s not the delivery guy’s fault, and even though she didn’t order pepperoni. The point is, I’m not especially…