News Busters

The Media Ignore Opponents of Unlimited Abortion

This was another year that the networks skipped over the March for Life. It didn’t matter that House Speaker Mike Johnson spoke there. It doesn’t matter how many Americans turn out in opposition to unborn babies being murdered in abortion clinics, or more often now, murdered by prescription. 

They ignore people who oppose what they favor: abortion on demand at any point in pregnancy. Then their “fact checkers” get angry when you point out they favor abortion at any point. MRC Culture’s Tierin-Rose Mandelburg joins the show to discuss what she found on the scene. She interviewed pro-lifers and Planned Parenthood fans. One pro-abortion man underlined the moral relativism surrounding the humanity of the unborn: “I don’t care about the little thing inside of you unless you want it to be born.”

She mocked a cancelled counter-protest from the group…

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