News Busters

The Most Pro-Harris, Anti-Trump, Radical Broadcast Network in History

ABC News’s stilted coverage throughout the 2024 election has solidified it as the most wildly biased broadcast network of the “big three” (ABC, CBS, and NBC). From 100 days of 100 percent pro-Kamala Harris coverage, to possibly the most stilted debate in modern political history, the network has abandoned even the pretense of objectivity and relegated itself one of the Democratic Party’s most loyal vassals.



For an idea of what ABC thinks qualifies as journalism, look no further than The View. Absurdly billed as a news program, the all-female talk show has become one of the most vitriolic hotbeds of Trump derangement on television. It’s difficult to take this low-information program seriously on any level, but if the bigwigs at ABC insist we treat it as a news show, we’re happy to oblige.

Back in January, co-host Whoopi Goldberg declared:…

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