It’s not news that the MSM is obsessed with pushing a narrative and that the narrative is grotesquely slanted to the left.
That’s why Americans’ trust in media is at record lows. The decline has been rapid, and there is zero chance it will reverse any time soon.
Pretty much the only people who express any trust in the sewage that the MSM pumps out are people who love to swim in it: Leftists.
But that doesn’t mean that the propaganda mills that our media have become don’t accomplish the task to which they have been set. As much as people know that what they have been sold is crap, it’s still the only news that most people ever get.
By sheer force of repetition, people wind up believing much of what they are told, even though they know it is slanted. Millions of Americans believe in the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax and a whole host of other lies. As long as the media selectively…