Red state

The NFL’s Fine Fabulous, Furry, Free Agent Freak Out

Greetings from the sports desk located somewhere below decks of the Good Pirate Ship RedState. Sammy the Shark and Karl the Kraken are sleeping off a fish cracker binge, so you’re stuck with me doing all the writing.

March Madness isn’t strictly for college basketball anymore, as the month that often comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb is also the month where lions turn into rams. More specifically, free agent offensive lineman Jonah Jackson has left the Detroit Lions for the Los Angeles Rams. This is but one of the veritable plethora of roster moves across the NFL free agent landscape, a few highlights of which we shall … um, highlight.

Russell Wilson, for whom the Denver Broncos backed up the draft picks truck two years ago and deposited multiple selections on the Seattle Seahawks’ lawn, has been cut loose by the Broncos and is making his way to Pittsburgh and an…

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