Hot Air

The NY Times Covers Detransitioners – HotAir

I was out of town at the end of last week so I missed this story when it was published. We did mention it in the headlines but I think it deserves more space. NY Times columnist Pamela Paul, who argued last year that JK Rowling is not transphobic, published a lengthy piece about detransitioners and changing attitudes about gender-affirming care.

The piece opens by considering the story of Grace Powell who as a young teen decided that transitioning to be a man was the solution to her sense of alienation from her own body. By the time Grace went to college she had taken hormones, had top surgery and was calling herself Grayson. She moved into a male dorm. But looking back on all of that now she wishes people had asked her more questions.

At no point during her medical or surgical transition, Powell says, did anyone ask her about the reasons behind her gender dysphoria or her…

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