Red state

The Picture That Says Everything About Why the Biden Team Is in Such Chaos – RedState

The Biden team has spoken out rightly — against the use of TikTok and the danger that it can potentially pose. 

Joe Biden is now saying he will sign a bill to ban TikTok if the bill passes.

They say that they are trying to discourage people from using it, but then in the next breath, they turn around and use it all over the place, while trying to push Biden’s campaign among young people. So much for their principles. It’s more hypocritical “rules for thee” from them. Do they not think people will look at that and wonder about the inconsistency?

 But I have to say that a post by one of their TikTok content creators was quite the look into the operations of the Biden team. 

Lauren Kapp, who does TikTok videos for both the Biden campaign and the DNC, posted two pictures side by side on X, with the caption “responding rapidly from Biden HQ.” This is quite something. 

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