Red state

The Press Laments the Loss of NPS Jobs, but the Facts Chase Their Claims Into the Wilderness – RedState

While it is clear our press complex has landed on the side of opposing Elon Musk and his efforts to shrink the government and curb spending, questions arise as to why. Why is curtailing the monolithic government agencies, which have metastasized into unwieldy entities, so offensive? What could anyone find objectionable about cutting wasteful spending of taxpayer dollars, especially if you are a news outlet claiming to have called for that very action?

One sign that the press members are struggling with this concept is that, as a form of defense, they regularly turn to the National Parks Service as a symbol of the unfairly impacted class of federal workers. We have been treated to many of these weepy reports, with rangers speaking out on personal stories. This even involved the staging of an inverted U.S. flag at one park, a move that generated fewer teary…

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