The pronoun wars have made it to Florida and the busloads of protesting clowns safely arrived in Tallahassee to wade into battle with the FL senate.
What started all the ruckus was yet another common sense answer to what had been an increasingly common workplace problem – ‘preferred pronouns’ and their applicability.
Not only applicability but the punitive measures in place in some instances if one purposefully or inadvertently did the ‘M’ thing.
A ‘someone’ who then had #hurtfeelingz who more often than not was #triggered, who would then fly into a foaming-at-the-mouth fit of vengeful rage that no amount of soothing talk could calm, and go for the pulse beating in the jugular of the misgendering offender.
Said ‘victims’ never seem satisfied with less than the ‘offender’s’ life’s blood, aka their employment.
People are tired of the trans…