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The Reasons Young Women Embrace the Left Do Not Reflect Well on These Women – HotAir

        Last week, The New York Times featured an article titled: “How the Last Eight Years Made Young Women More Liberal.”

        According to every poll, since 2016 there has been an unprecedented political/social gender gap between young American women and men.

        Here is how the Times reported it:

        “In 2001, young men and women had similar political ideologies. … Then, around 2016, something shifted, a new analysis shows. Women ages 18 to 29 became significantly more liberal than the previous generation of young women. Today, around 40 percent identify as liberal, compared with just 19 percent who say they’re conservative. The views of young men — who are more likely to be conservative than liberal — have changed little. …”

        “Sixty-seven percent of women 18 to 29 supported Vice President Kamala Harris in a New York Times/Siena College…

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