Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) warned this week that those who are cheering on the downfall of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad should realize that those who conquered might be even worse than he was.
Cruz made the remarks on his “Verdict” podcast with co-host Ben Ferguson when talking about the stunning collapse of the regime after terrorists launched a campaign that lasted just a little over a week.
“His falling is a major loss for Russia. It’s a major loss for Iran. It’s a major loss for Hezbollah, all were allies,” Cruz said. “All are seriously hurt by his falling, but the rebels who have toppled him may well be even worse. It is radical Islamists who have been fighting against him. Many of them are remnants of Al-Qaeda, remnants of the Islamic State, and the people of Syria and Israel and America may soon find that the new leadership is even worse than the old.”
Cruz noted…