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The Right Should Dump Andrew Tate

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: the Right must stop cheering on bad people who don’t care about their principles.

Today’s case: Andrew Tate.

Now, let me say at the outset, I’m not upset at all with anyone interviewing Tate. Go for it. Have at it. There are lots of great questions to ask him. But that’s not what’s happening here. What’s happening is that people are dishonestly conflating “interviewing” Tate with cheering on Tate — applauding him, talking about how brave and wonderful he is while he rips off thousands of people with his scam Hustlers University and preaches the virtue of treating women in a way you would never allow anyone to treat your wife or daughter.

No one is saying you can’t have Tate on your show. It’s a free country. What I’m saying is that if you claim you are a conservative and have someone truly disgusting on your show,…

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