I want you to stretch a bit here and banish the federal government from your mind for a moment. I know that’s hard when you’re talking about botched hurricane recovery efforts, especially over the past 4 years, but give it a shot.
Right now, we’re not talking xPOTATUS or FEMA or any of the myriad government workers who descend on a disaster, stay in hotel rooms, and can generally do okay jobs…or not.
We’re talking about state workers. The state officials. The state bureaucrats who are entrusted with the funds and responsibility to see to it that the citizens and residents of their state affected by whatever the natural disaster is that has befallen whatever area of that state get taken care of and made as right as they can be.
That’s their only responsibility, and most of these state people are paid pretty well.
In North Carolina, thanks to xPOTATUS, the…