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The ‘Screw You, America!’ Oscars

This year’s Academy Awards Ceremony might be called the “Screw You, America! Oscars.” Films no one saw about issues no one cares about were celebrated at the level of popular works of cinematic genius like 1942’s Casablanca and 1972’s The Godfather. Commentators noted the lack of political messages in the acceptance speeches, but it was all one big political message: “We enlightened creatures of Hollywood are not here to entertain you. We’re here to shove our own high virtue in the face of your low values like marriage, prosperity and love of country.”

Among the nominees? A musical about transgenderism, the delusion that has become the left’s latest sexual fetish. An epic about the carbuncles of brutalism, a film that made it impossible not to stay home and watch Turner Classics. And the winner, Anora, that could not bear to show a woman’s desire to marry a man who…

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