Red state

The State of the Presidential Race – RedState

As discussed by my Red State colleague Bob Hoge, the Daily Beast has revealed ‘leaked’ video of Donald Trump stating a brutal assessment of Joe Biden’s performance against him in last week’s presidential debate, in which Trump calls Biden a “broken-down pile of crap” who is teetering on the verge of “quitting the race.”  

Considering that this video has basically been endorsed by the Trump campaign, I tend to believe that this leak was very deliberate. Trump is probably trying to goad President Biden, who hates Trump with a passion, into staying in the 2024 presidential race.

Trump Unleashed: Delivers Savage Golf Course Broadside to
‘Pile of C***’ Biden, ‘Pathetic’ Kamala Harris

Which makes sense. Biden is a known quantity at this point, and as a known quantity, he was trailing Trump by roughly two points in the Real Clear Politics average before the presidential…

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