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The Stunning Costs of Biden-Harris’ ‘America-Last’ Border Policies

To sum up the Biden-Harris administration’s border policies in a phrase, I’d say “America Last.”

Over nearly four years, we have seen the results of an unprecedented experiment: What happens when a first world country abandons its legal limits and processes on immigration and allows nearly unlimited, unvetted migration?

This is effectively what the Biden-Harris administration has done. Frustrated by a historical bipartisan consensus that it was the president’s duty to enforce immigration law, they decided to replace statute with executive fiat and globalist ideology—under the euphemism of “safe, orderly, humane pathways”—to allow people to enter the United States illegally.

The Biden-Harris administration has created programs that induce migrants from all over the world to journey by air and land to our borders, by making it clear that they will…

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