News Busters

The Times, Harvard's Gay and the Phony Race Card

Jump into the time capsule with me and return to 1991.

The news of the moment: Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, the first black Justice, announces his retirement.

The call goes up in the media that this is the “black seat” on the Supreme Court. President George H.W. Bush obliges by nominating Appeals Court Judge Clarence Thomas, an African-American.

And the liberal media not to mention liberal special interest groups went nuts. They made a point, for example, of giving ample coverage to one Florence Kennedy, the black head of the National Organization of Women who proclaimed this, with a reference to the several years earlier Reagan nomination of Judge Robert Bork, which became a television circus resulting in Bork’s Supreme Court nomination being defeated by liberal special interest groups in a well covered campaign . Said Kennedy of the African-American Judge…

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