Hot Air

The Top Ten Dumb Things Said…Friday – HotAir

In Trumpian fashion, I kept my promise. On this morning’s edition of Duane’s World, my fabulously popular podcast, I turned the trilogy of columns here last week into a top ten segment. Tons of great response came in, but as with all good things in life, there’s often a downside.

The recording schedule for the podcast, at least for me on the West Coast, is late afternoon on Thursday. Although I had no problem coming up with a list of ten choice utterances, in fact, I had to cull it down from about 20, by the time I woke up this morning to see how the podcast was doing, there was a fresh layer of stupid like an avalanche in the last few hours. 

The letter of the law, or my executive order as the case may be, is that any cut today cannot count towards next week’s list. But prudence would dictate that they not get lost to posterity due to their unfortunate timing. So with that…

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