Hot Air

The Top Ten Kamala Harris Gaffes…This Week – HotAir

The internal polling really has to be off-the-charts bad for Kamala Harris to be subjecting herself, and the rest of the country for that matter, to the parade of vapidity we’ve seen just since last Friday. And actually, according to the most recent polling making up the most current Real Clear Politics averages, both in national and battleground states, one gets the feeling the election is surely and steadily slipping away from Harris and the Democrats with just over three weeks to go.

RCP on Wednesday afternoon shaved three-tenths off of Harris’ national lead, down to 2 points again, but more telling were polls that show Donald Trump surging in Pennsylvania and also in Michigan. Their Electoral Map now shows, with leaning states tossed in, the former President will be the future President on January 20th. 

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