Hot Air

The Ukraine Aid Package Isn’t DOA, but It’s on Life Support – HotAir

This morning, the Democrats in the Senate, combined with a pack of Biden Republicans, forced through the combined foreign aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. (But mostly Ukraine.) Even with that accomplished, the prospects for the bill look dim at best in the House. It’s unclear if there would be enough GOP support to put the bill over the top in a floor vote. And the question can’t even be put to the test unless Speaker Mike Johnson agrees to bring the measure up. Unlike the doomed “bipartisan border security” bill, Johnson hasn’t pronounced this one dead on arrival. But he clearly isn’t sold on the measure, either. Last night he criticized the bill for not doing anything to ensure actual border security, calling that “the most pressing issue facing our country.” In a moment, I’ll address both the practical and political ramifications. (AP)

House Speaker Mike Johnson late…

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