Red state

The US Treasury Spent HOW MUCH Illegally? Now You Know Why the Left Wants to Stop DOGE – RedState

Congress illegally spent at least $516 billion in 2024 on programs for which there was no authorization. Yes, billion, with a “b.”  A stunning report by the Congressional Budget Office underscores the reason for the legal assault upon President Trump’s right to audit payments by the Treasury Department.

In a report titled “Expired and Expiring Authorizations of Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2024,” the CBO observes: “Historically, House and Senate rules restrict lawmakers from considering an appropriation if it lacks a current authorization.” Nevertheless, “CBO estimates that $516 billion was appropriated for 2024 for activities with expired authorizations, which the agency identified for each House and Senate authorizing committee and appropriations subcommittee.” That $516 billion in illegal payments cover “1,264 authorizations of appropriations that…

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