News Busters

The View Falls Head Over Heels for Biden, Assassin Looms

NewsBusters Media Editor Bill and I are at the helm this episode as we analyze the President Biden’s appearance on ABC’s The View; we should all be so lucky to find someone who looks at us the way they looked at him. We also discuss Bill’s discovery of a disturbing trend that seems to have emerged from ABC and CNN’s coverage of a letter written by the second would-be assassin, which put a bounty on former President Trump’s head. Finally, we look at the woke mind virus that’s beginning to infest a part of our childhood.

The liberal ladies of ABC’s The View and the fake Republicans professed their love to President Biden this week in a nauseating gushfest. They beclowned themselves with statements like this: “His legacy will be etched in the history books as [George] Washington, as someone who put that ego aside and put his country first….

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