News Busters

The Views Claims Traffickers Don’t Rape Migrant Women Inside the U.S.

After initially maligning Alabama Republican Senator Katie Britt for her less-than-stellar rebuttal to President Biden’s State of the Union address on Friday, the vicious liberals of ABC’s The View were back to attacking her on Monday. They decried Britt’s focuses on Democratic Party open-border policies and arguing it led to migrant women getting raped along the journey. And despite the fact that The View chose to talk about Britt again, moderator Whoopi Goldberg hypocritically whined that it kept them from talking about the real violence in Haiti and Africa.

The View’s biggest problem with Britt’s focus on migrant rapes, and where they tried to put the most distance between Democratic open-border policies and their consequences, was that they supposedly only happened outside the United States, which somehow made them not as big of an issue as…

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