In The Washington Post’s self-righteous telling, “Democracy Dies in Darkness.” It says so every day, right there below the paper’s masthead.
But democracy also dies in historical revisionism, of the sort found Dec. 29 in the Post’s front-page lead story, directly below the masthead and across five columns, titled plaintively: “Joe Biden’s lonely battle to sell his vision of American democracy.”
Tyler Pager’s fourth installment in a four-part Post series dubbed “How Biden Leads” reads like a cross between a postmortem defense of Joe Biden’s failed (my adjective, not his) presidency and a sycophantic hagiography.
There are so many “what might have beens” in Pager’s 2,349-word magnum opus, it’s hard to know where to begin in dissecting and dismantling all of the historical revisionism.
The article begins anecdotally with Rep. James…