News Busters

The Washington Post Won’t Quit Treating Voters Like Idiots for Hating Bidenomics

The Washington Post should know that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Continuing to tell voters they’re ignorant for not appreciating the Biden economy is case in point.

“The economy is improving under Biden. But many voters aren’t giving him credit,” read The Post’s condescending Jan. 14 headline. But that was just the start of The Post’s nonsense, which took six authors to spit out.

It proceeded to cite data points without context to prop up President Joe  Biden’s cadaver of an economy: “By many measures, the U.S. economy is a great success story — recession fears have fallen, along with gas prices and the unemployment rate, while manufacturing construction is up along with nominal wages and the stock market.”  

Except, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon just

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