All of us in the pro-Second Amendment community sure know that the National Rifle Association (NRA) has stepped on their collective protruding body parts a few times recently. But we also know that New York’s lawfare case against the NRA, led by the execrable Letitia James – yes, that Letitia James – is over at last, and now the nation’s foremost pro-gun group can get back to business – with a few new faces.
On Wednesday, New York Supreme Court Justice Joel Cohen ended New York Attorney General Letitia James’ punishing corruption case against the NRA, setting some stipulations already agreed to by the 153-year-old group based in Fairfax, Va.
She had hoped to destroy the group and won several legal battles, including forcing former Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre to pay over $4 million in fines for misspending funds on his wardrobe and travel.