Red state

This Current List of Media’s Anti-Social Positions Explains So Much About What Is Wrong With Them – RedState

The national media outlets and the Democrats are currently mired in a conjoined, downward spiral. The public approval of both entities has been eroding, and the main cause is in the way that they are interlocked. Neither shows interest in addressing – let alone repairing  – the problem. Instead, the Dems and the press appear convinced their entrenched activism and anti-Trump positioning will see them through.

Call it narrative obsession, 80/20 allegiance, or just plain emotional fervor, whichever label you choose, the reality is mutually assured destruction. This is due to the approach to any issue being centered on what Trump’s position might be; it has been automatic resistance, the facts and details be damned. This has led to these two foundering groups taking up support for unpopular or even downright repugnant positions. 

This list shows how far they…

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