Today is day four of the Hunter Biden gun trial and with just five witnesses left to call, the prosecution could rest its case as soon as this afternoon.
Yesterday they called three devastating witnesses, Hunter Biden’s ex-wife and his ex-girlfriend and a gun store clerk who sold Biden the gun. Hunter’s ex-wife Kathleen Buhle testified that throughout 2018 she would frequently search Hunter’s car when she knew one of their children would be using it. She did this because she was afraid her children might be pulled over and police would find drug paraphernalia in the car. In a text message from March 2018, she told Hunter that she had found “a few crack pipes” but this wasn’t the only time she found such paraphernalia in the car.
Ex-girlfriend Zoe Kestan’s testimony was even worse for Hunter. She testified that he would smoke crack every 20 minutes from the time he woke up until he…