Hot Air

This Is Our Future If We Don’t Fight Back – HotAir

The United States is not Romania by any stretch of the imagination, but the political maneuvering you are seeing over there has been mirrored here and in more established EU countries quite a bit. 

Romania has been in the midst of an election season, and its high court has been tossing candidates off the ballot and has now canceled the election altogether in order to prevent candidates claimed to be Russian-aligned from winning. 

I am no expert on Romanian politics, thank God, but even the barest familiarity with how RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA has been used to twist Western politics shows that the same tricks that have been used here and in Western Europe are being played out in Romania–even down to the claim that Russian posts on Facebook, TikTok, and Twitter so distort the minds of voters that their choices should be taken from them. 

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