Hot Air

This Is the Weirdest Political Period in My Life – HotAir

Things are weird. 

Like, super weird. Super duper weird that could not be scripted by a 2nd-rate writer-type weird. 

I turned 60 today, and my first awareness of politics was in 1972, during the Nixon-McGovern campaign. My parents were supporters of McGovern, and I collected donations (very little) and passed out bumper stickers for the Democrat. 

So, in a sense, I have followed politics now for 52 years and studied politics in college and grad school. My educational focus wasn’t contemporary American politics–I studied political philosophy–but I certainly have been an avid follower of our current political scene. 

I have never lived through a weirder political month than July 2024. And the month still has a week to go. 

We began the month with the smoke still clearing from Biden’s disastrous debate performance, Trump’s brilliant exit from the political scene for 2 weeks–how…

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