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This Student Group Is Calling For A ‘Week of Rage’ Beginning October 7 

On October 7, 2023, Hamas slaughtered 1,200 Israelis in cold blood: burning families alive, raping women until their bodies became unrecognizable, and taking eight Americans hostage. Before American Jews knew whether their loved ones were dead or alive, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapters across the country had already begun glorifying Hamas, harassing American Jews and demanding that Israel acquiesce to the terrorists’ demands.

In the months since, SJP chapters have seized every opportunity to embrace anti-Semitic tropes and rewrite history along ideological lines in their call for the elimination of the State of Israel. It is no surprise, then, that on the first anniversary of Hamas’ rape, murder, and abduction of Israeli civilians, SJP’s national headquarters has called for a “Week of Rage.” Not rage against Hamas. Not rage against Yahya Sinwar or any other…

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