Red state

This Washington Post Column Typifies the Media’s Desperate Deflections to Defend Joe Biden – RedState

The media has relied on the phrase “Republicans pounce” for so many years that it’s become an eye-rolling punchline these days. The journalism trope used to defend Biden and Democrats has become so overplayed there is by now a litany of Republican verbs that fall under this “Pouncing” umbrella –  seize/leap/jump/highlight/latch/grasp/promote/leverage/push, along with numerous others. You realize this deflection method is failing when a story has legs and those nefarious conservatives are having an effect, and then the next stage is quickly rolled out by journalists: Republicans are “weaponizing” an issue.

One of the topics where this gets used frequently is in regards to crime in this country, moreover the rise of such in blue cities with permissive district attorneys involving their revolving door wave-bail-and-release practices. Specifically, shoplifting and store closures

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