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Thoughts on Marriage in a Post-Wedding Dispatch

I write this week as a very different man than I was when writing my last column. Then, I was merely engaged; now, after the single greatest week of my life culminated in the single greatest day and night of my life, I am married.

I am filled with immense, overwhelming gratitude. My wife and I are blessed with wonderful family and loyal friends—in America and across the world. We are surrounded by those who love and care for us, and we are not wanting for material comforts.

Perhaps most important, we are anchored by our Judaism and strive to live lives—and, God willing, build a family—rooted in a particular meaning and purpose, and guided by a particular set of values and customs. Even at the very beginning of our lifelong journey together, we therefore already have everything we truly need.

Unfortunately, marriage these days is something of a countercultural…

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