Is there nothing TikTok can’t do? Most of us are probably familiar with the typical uses of the app. You can watch crazy dances and Tide Pod challenges. You can learn the locations of conservatives or Jews you’d like to dox. Or you can just open up your own data to be consumed by the Chinese Communist Party. It’s all in good fun. But did you know that TikTok can also help you illegally migrate into the United States? A recent 60 Minutes segment reveals that migrants have been using the information provided by helpful TikTok posters to locate gaps in the border barriers where they can cross into the United States undetected. How awesome is that? (NY Post)
As an influx of immigration from around the world continues to surge, many are now crossing into the country through gaps in the border wall – and TikTok is reportedly helping them do it.
“TikTok, TikTok,” a translator…