In a devastating development, current Kamala Harris running mate Tim Walz’s former unit commander appeared on CNN and completely blew up the scandal surrounding the abandoning of his unit before its deployment to Iraq.
For days, the mainstream press has claimed that Walz did not know about the deployment before deciding to retire early and run for Congress. Command Seargent Major Doug Julin, who was the now-Minnesota governor’s direct report, went through the timeline with Laura Coates. Not only did Walz know about the deployment, but he had committed to go. It was only after he went around Julin that he was able to secure his retirement, leaving his unit hamstrung just months before they shipped out.
RELATED: MN Gov. Tim Walz Accused of Cowardice and Embellishment of Army Service Records
The CNN host did her level best to push back at points and offer “clarifications” in Walz’s…