Hot Air

‘Tis the Season to Never Mention Seasons Again – HotAir

I’m not sure if it’s the nearness of Election Day sparking a renewed sense of resistance to the deluge of hysterical, pretentious, silly, but authoritarian-minded Science™ we’ve all been subjected to over the past few years. 

But I am itchin’ to be done with them all.

The plagues of squawking, bellyaching nannies from The Kingdom of Consensus Says who think waving a letter from 400 like-minded dolts on any subject should move mountains and change lives by its mere existence.

The same ones then descend upon those with skeptical noses in data and apply lucid thinking vice dogma like a murder of flying monkeys, seeking in their shrieking to quash all dissent and independent inquiry and thought. To destroy those who would dare question the consensus monolith so carefully constructed by the true believers.

After achieving a certain level of control over disciplines and those practicing…

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