Generally speaking, I don’t approve of taking joy in the pain of others.
But let’s face it, we all enjoy a bit of Schadenfreude now and then, and when your opponents are cruel, self-absorbed, arrogant, and doing damage to innocent people, it’s hard not to laugh when they get a taste of their own medicine.
Over the past decade, the left has run wild, not just by pushing insane policies but by gleefully attacking anybody who stands in their way. We have been demonized, the weight and power of the federal government were weaponized against us, parents and Catholics were labeled terrorists, and the left and the federal bureaucracy have grievously harmed our nation’s children. We have been lied to constantly, and not even a bit of humanity was ascribed to us.
So yes, I get a bit of joy from seeing the tables turned.
The administrative state is in a state of…