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Tony Kinnett Cast: Biden Celebrates Upcoming Recession

On the latest episode of “The Tony Kinnett Cast,” we examine the colossal failure of Bidenomics and his proposed sequel to make things worse as another month of employment statistics warn of a looming recession in the middle of a presidential election year. Is an interest rate drop enough to save the stock market this fall?

Pallet carpenter and creator Jake Cochrane joins us to discuss the latest trend in Do-it-Yourself crafts and why realistic projects are gaining more attention these days than the over-produced five-minute craft videos that used to be such a big deal. What’s the difference between your favorite tool and your biggest regret purchase from the hardware store?

Gabriella Hoffman from the Independent Women’s Forum stops by to dig a little deeper into the connection between job numbers under Biden and what bureaucratic overreach from the federal…

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