Even though exactly one state has weighed in officially on whom the Republican nominee should be for the 2024 cycle, by Tuesday in New Hampshire, it will be all over but the shouting.
Roughly one out of seven registered Iowa Republicans caucused Monday last, and that’s due to a lot of factors. The weather outside was frightful, to borrow a phrase. Iowans are hearty people, but you get below zero with wind chill for a race that isn’t within 30 points, and most people there hardly saw the point in bothering to put on fifteen layers of clothing.
In the Granite State, one poll by the American Research Group shows the race within two points – Donald Trump over Nikki Haley, 46-44%. Ron DeSantis is in a distant third at 6%. This certainly doesn’t comport with the rest of the recent polling showing at least an 11-point lead, and maybe as much as a 19-point margin for the former…