Hot Air

Trans Double Murderer Finally Moved Back to Men’s Prison – HotAir

We’ve covered the story of Bryan Kim here before, though he now goes by the name of Amber FayeFox Kim. He’s the guy who was found guilty in 2008 of murdering both of his parents, stabbing his father to death in Washington state, and then bludgeoning and strangling his mother. A lovely character to be sure. Then, after being sentenced, Kim miraculously realized that he was actually a woman, declaring himself transgender and demanding to be moved to a woman’s prison, that being the Washington Corrections Center for Women. Amazingly, the state agreed and the transfer was made. It wasn’t all that long before Kim was found having sex with an actual female inmate. (I guess he was a lesbian or something?) He was moved into isolation. Now the state appears to have seen the error of its ways and Bryan Kim has been moved back to a men’s prison. (National Review)

A transgender-identifying…

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