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Transform Your Life by Aligning Your Money With Your Faith

A new book by Bill and Dana Wichterman is challenging Christians to reconsider their relationship with money.

In an interview with The Daily Signal, the Wichtermans shared insights from their 35-year marriage and the financial journey that led them to write “Stewards Not Owners: The Joy of Aligning Your Money with Your Faith.”

“We were $13,000 in debt when we got married. We lived in a house with no car, we had cockroaches, and we started the joy of financial stewardship right at the beginning,” said Bill Wichterman, emphasizing this approach is accessible to anyone regardless of their financial situation.

The book encourages Christians to bring their financial decisions in line with their spiritual values.

Quoting from Matthew 6:21, Bill cited Jesus’ own words, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

“In many ways, money is…

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