Red state

Trifecta of Community Notes Takes Down Iran’s Supreme Leader – RedState

We’ve seen that Community Notes has come for a lot of people.

It’s added a great way of fact-checking when people, even those in power, spread nonsense, and now they have to fear that they will be called out in real-time on their lies. It doesn’t get everyone or everything, but it has been a contribution to the greater truth. 

The feature has even nailed leaders and people like Joe Biden. For example, Biden has gotten nailed for multiple things, including the “bottomless Pinocchio lie” that he tells about reducing the deficit. 

READ MORE: Biden Gets Nailed by Community Notes for ‘Bottomless Pinocchio’ Lie

Despite that, he keeps on telling it. But at least that clarifies the truth for people. 

As we reported, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi died in a helicopter crash last month. 

He was not a pleasant guy.

Raisi was sometimes notably referred to as the “Butcher of Tehran,” as…

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