Hot Air

Trump Ahead, Harris Favorability Falling – HotAir

The more you get to know Kamala Harris

Two big media polls dropped today, and both of them look like bad news for Democrats — especially Harris. Despite the shrieking hysteria coming from the campaign and the media (but I repeat myself!) about how dangerous Donald Trump is, voters like Trump more … and Kamala less. 

Let’s start with the Wall Street Journal poll, where Trump has “opened a narrow lead” among registered voters, who usually lean a bit more Democrat. Duane mentioned this poll at the end of his post about the CNN town hall, but it’s worth exploring a little further:

The national survey finds that Trump is leading Harris by 2 percentage points, 47% to 45%, compared with a Harris lead of 2 points in the Journal’s August survey on a ballot that includes third-party and independent candidates. Both leads are within the polls’ margins of error, meaning that either…

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