Hot Air

Trump Approval Bouncing Back Bigly – HotAir

Let’s face it: the polls on Trump job approval are all over the map. They range from -8 by Reuters to +5 (51-47) with Rasmussen. 

Napolitan News just joined the +10 camp (54-44), after dipping down to +4 (51-47) earlier in the month, making it almost the same as Rasmussen’s in raw approval when you exclude No Opinion. Rasmussen has Trump at 51% approval, Napolitan 54%, well within the margins of error. 

Skeptics would argue that Napolitan and Rasmussen are right-leaning, but recent elections show that to be false–Rasmussen, at least, was pretty dead on in the last election while most of the other polls aside from Atlas Intel were dramatically left of the electorate, suggesting a systematic bias to the left as much as 7 or 8 points. 

In other words, we have every reason to believe that Rasmussen and Napolitan are much closer to reality. We don’t KNOW that…

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