News Busters

Trump Deporting Those Who ‘Don’t Look Like the Trump Family’

CNN has had plenty to say lately on President Trump’s recent executive orders regarding enforcement of America’s immigration laws. On Monday’s showing of CNN This Morning, host Kasie Hunt interviewed senior national security analyst Juliette Kayyem, who offered one of her ridiculous views on the subject. Kayyem’s take on the matter was pretty simple: the sacrificial victim of the President’s power grab would be, simply, anyone who happens not to be white, or even, better yet, anyone who happens not to resemble Trump himself, or, at least, his own family.

Hunt immediately sets the tone at the beginning of the discussion, making no mention whatsoever of any compelling reasons why it might be a good idea for a country to have a functioning system to monitor who crossed its borders, and instead dwelled entirely on two individual instances where…

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