Red state

Trump Forgets He’s Supposed to Be a Fascist Dictator – RedState

It certainly seems as though the executive and the judiciary are on a collision course with the multitude of court cases filed against the Trump administration in an effort to halt its attempts to streamline the federal bureaucracy and implement President Donald Trump’s America First agenda. We’ve seen ruling after ruling from the district courts (and a few from the circuit courts of appeals) that seem to be the result of “Trump Bad” analysis rather than objective legal reasoning. 

And, of course, as the legacy media covers these ongoing legal battles, they are framed as a “constitutional crisis” with the implication that Trump is just millimeters away from going full fascist dictator and defying the courts, thus pushing the country over the edge.

There’s just one problem with that framing, however: Trump isn’t doing that. 

BREAKING: Chief Justice John…

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