Red state

Trump Hilariously Dishes on Kamala’s Worst Mistake As She Delivers One Final, Wild Cackle – RedState

President-elect Donald Trump had a banner day Thursday, ringing the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange surrounded by his family and he was declared the “Person of the Year” by Time Magazine. After all the things he has faced, it was a triumphal moment. The NYSE loved it and launched into chants of “USA! USA!” after he rang the bell. 

On top of that, the leftist fits about it were the cherry on the top.

The Democrats are going to have a long four years. 

READ MORE: The Leftist Fits Over Trump Being Named Time’s ‘Person of the Year’ Are Pure Gold

 Donald Trump Opens NY Stock Exchange As TIME Names Him Person of the Year

As part of the “Person of the Year” process, the person selected also does an interview with the magazine. Among the things Trump commented on during the interview was Kamala Harris, his opponent who lost the election. He was asked…

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